Tourism and adventure sports in Montañita


In Montañita there are several tours that you can do.

Los Frailes

Los Frailes

Location: Passing by going from Puerto Lopez Montañita

The Friars a dream beach inside the National Park Machalilla

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Tours Operators

Tours Operators

Location: Ecuador - Route Spondylus between Manglaralto and Olon.

Phones: 0979142497 ´

We have serious information, safe tourist operators and documentation up to date, to the relief of tourists who visit Montañita and want to make different types of tours.

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Tourist attractions

Montañita Center

Montañita Center

Certainly Montañita nights are highly preferred by domestic and foreign tourists, many of them enjoy more public holidays held in the village streets.

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Surf point

Surf point

Location: From the small mountain river by the beach is 12 minutes walking towards Olon, the tip can be comienz or end Montañita beach depending on where tourists come.

The point is the encounter with another world, here you will find fish, oysters, spondylus and countless marine creatures; so in the morning you will see the natives find oysters or some other type of...

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Between the river and the Surf Point

Between the river and the Surf Point

Location: Manglaralto Montanita on Route Spondylus, crossing the Rio de Montañita the first input / street left.

You are pass the bridge, in direction north. It is a quiet area where you can connect with nature and the beach, away from the noise of the center but with everything you need on their journey, and shops, restaurants and hotels.

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Close places


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Eco Tourism

There are activities Eco-tourism
Alex cascades

Alex cascades

Knows the nature of the area in this journey that culminates in the cascades of Olon. You can go on bike, motorbike or on foot.

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Location: At the end of the town of Manglaralto north. A 2.5 km of Montanita.

Manglaralto in the estuary, you can swim and see a cute own ecosystem off the coast of Ecuador

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Close places


It is possible to dive in Montañita

Close places

Whale Watching

No data available

Close places

  • Manglaralto

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  • Olon

    Distancia: A 3 Km

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  • Valdivia

    Distancia: A 13 Km

    Ancestral village, part of the history of Ecuador....

  • La Rinconada

    Distancia: A 15 Km


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