Transport to Montañita - Taxis

Montanita travel by taxi or private bus is a good option if you want to perform fast, safe and / or make gradual journey to eat or take pictures stops.

  • Transport to Montañita - Taxis-Montañita

To reach Montañita we have many options and there is no single pathway. Options range from Plane - Bus, Plane - Taxi, Bus - Taxi.

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The nearest airports are in Guayaquil (José Joaquín de Olmedo International Airport) and Manta (Manta-Manabi). From any of these places will have to take other means of transport (bus or taxi).

Prices from Quito - Guayaquil by plane, hovering around 60usd return to the 100usd.

Private bus or taxi is recommended if you're in Guayaquil, Salinas, Puerto Lopez or nearby cities. In general the price of Guayaquil - Montañita is on average 80usd -.. 120usd (full quota of the car, not per person It is a recommended for those seeking comfort option, faster and better service companies transport mound that met this service are friendly people who can stop en route to serve the tourist photos or eat something.

Overall bus transportation in Ecuador is not great but not bad. The price however is really economical; eg Quito - Guayaquil has an average cost of 10usd, Guayaquil - Montañita has an average cost of 7usd. The bus that makes the direct route Guayaquil - Montañita, has excellent service (with air conditioning), has several times in the day, the first out at 05:45 and the last at 18:30.


Surf Taxi

Surf Taxi

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SURFTAXI: Your Executive Taxi Service on Ecuador's Coast SURFTAXI is an executive taxi company operating in the coastal areas of Ayampe, Montañita, Olon, and Las Tunas in Ecuador. We provide transfer...

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